TI-92 - Hello You Program


Author: Jon Pruente
Date: May 11, 2001
I have written one version of a Hello You program in the TI-92's built in programming language. It doesn't seem to have an official name, but most people refer to it as TI-BASIC. One advantage of the TI-92 (and 89, 86?, etc.) is the new use of a graphical system, running with a text based expression system. The TI-92 allows dialog boxes and drop down menus, etc. I have taken advantage of those features instead of using the name passed in as an arument to the program. In less than a dozen lines, we have a program that uses graphical input, local variables, and string manipulation on a 10MHz 68000 CPU that runs on 4AA batteries.
:Local name
:Request "What is your name?",name
:Title "Hello You"
:Text "Hello "&name
