About Juliet
Juliet is an open source programming language that I am designing. I am currently
designing a compiler for Juliet called JULC, written
in C++. The source code to JULC is freely available as described in its Readme file.
Old versions of everything on this page are available in the
Juliet Archive.
Dr. Albrecht's Class
I have combined everything you need to use Juliet in Windows in this file:
Juliet Language
- Juliet Language Spec (Version 1.00)
- Temperature Converter
- Newton's Method For Calculating Square Roots
- Hello, World!
- Hello You!
- Hello You Loop
- Factorial
- Fibonacci
- Random Test
- Random File Test
- File Read Test
- Calculate PI
- Test File Input and Output
Other People's Programs
- Jeff LeFevre's Volume Calculator
- Aaron Albrecht's Number Guesser
- Dr. William Albrecht Class' Average Number Calculator
- Daniel Miller's Number Guesser
Juliet Compiler (JULC)
This program compiles Juliet Programs into Portia code for the Portia Virtual Machine to
Portia Virtual Machine (PORTIA)
This is the program that interprets a Portia program. The Juliet Compiler
(JULC) compiles to Portia code which can then be executed by the Portia VM.
- Version History
- Portia Virtual Machine Language Spec (Version 2004.0)
Juliet Interpreter (JULI)
This is the program that interprets a Juliet program. It can also
output its intermediate code, which is called Romeo.